Tuesday 20 April 2010


I think there are maybe four people already that read my blog so I better get serious about it! Well, I just don't know where to start (or continue). There are just so many things I could write about ... mmh ...

Well, here we go:

I have been pretty productive sewing stuff up so the next posts will probably include some of the results. Also, I have tried a lot of recipes that I would like to share with people; especially the soup recipe with you, Jodi! And there is little Johannes! He will probably fill a big amount of my posts. he is growing and growing and growing... just like weeds in my garden. Oh yes, maybe I'll post something about my garden. Although, it is more of an embarrassing topic for me to write about. Because all I try doing is to fight the weeds and then the summer is over. Although, I have started a few veggies and flowers inside and hopefully they make it out one day.

Keep you posted...

Bye for now!

Pictures? Sure, why not!