Wednesday 30 May 2012, where was I? Ah yes. The reason why I haven't been blogging at all was/is that we moved to a new home last year, I visited Germany with my little guy and then, when I came back from Germany we found out that there is another little guy on his way! Wowsers, it was a wild year! But the wildness doesn't stop. Now with two little boys in the house life is quite busy. But it's great! There is always something new to discover about them, with them, for them. When I have time to write something on my blogg then the boys are probably napping or it's night time and I am not tired (very rare!). 
Well, here is an article I discovered just through a friend's friend. 100 ways to be kind to your child. I think it's a great list to read over and over and practice on my boys whenever I can. Have fun reading and practicing!  

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Where did the time go....

I can't believe it's been over a year or longer since I posted on this blog! How silly! Why did I even start this? I sure love reading other peoples blogs and that's why I want to continue with this. I love it when people read my blog and leave comments, especially people who I know! But if I don't know you or you don't know me then still leave a comment please. That makes it even more interesting and fun! 

So, ... 
....oh... baby is crying. Talk to you soon (hopefully!)....