Friday 11 June 2010

"Sew me, love me!"...

... this is the title of a book by Hsiu Lan Kuei that I purchased a while ago. It has instructions for making personalized stuffed animals. So cute! I started with the Hound Dog yesterday and it was a bit of a challenge because every piece is so tiny. Then you have to turn the long skinny legs and arms inside out and I didn't have the right tool for that. But at the end it was all worth it. I just have to sew on the head, some buttons, and make a hat. In short, I am not finished yet which is why I won't post a photo yet. But here is a picture of the book.

... oh, I am not sure what I will do with the dog once it's finished. Maybe for Johannes (it is a bit girlie looking though) but probably for Olive! We'll see. Maybe for myself?

(The picture is from

Monday 10 May 2010

Happy belated Easter!

Yes, I know it is almost summer and I am still posting about Easter. The reason is, that I have just discovered my Easter Egg pictures on my camera, which I am not using very much. So, I forgot about them. But I want to show you what I crafted for Easter this year! (The materials are written in bold)

How? I blew out the inside of real eggs. Poked a tiny hole into the top and a bigger hole into the bottom of the egg. I used a pin from a cork board. Break the yolk with a tooth pick. Blow into the tiny hole. Have a bowl underneath to catch the guts. Rinse the inside of the egg shell by sucking in soapy water, shake it, blow it out. Sounds yucky but it isn't too bad ; ) Let eggs dry.

Then, with scissors cut a pretty motive of a napkin, separate the layers of the napkin carefully. You just need the first layer with the printing. Mix some white school glue with a little bit of water. Brush the egg with glue, stick the cut out motive on the egg (The big hole will be on the top. Make sure to stick on your picture the right way, with big opening on top), brush some more glue over the picture and let it dry.

At last, break a tooth pick in half and tie a piece of thread around it, making a loop to hang on a branch. Drop the tooth pick into the big hole of the egg and hold on to the thread! Now you should be able to hold the egg by the thread. Done.

Does this make sense? No? Just leave a comment or ask.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


My latest project was a ball! (Get it? Wortspiel!) Here is a link to a pattern. Instead of fabric I used second hand sweaters from the Goodwill store. It is so easy and really cheap!

Tuesday 20 April 2010


I think there are maybe four people already that read my blog so I better get serious about it! Well, I just don't know where to start (or continue). There are just so many things I could write about ... mmh ...

Well, here we go:

I have been pretty productive sewing stuff up so the next posts will probably include some of the results. Also, I have tried a lot of recipes that I would like to share with people; especially the soup recipe with you, Jodi! And there is little Johannes! He will probably fill a big amount of my posts. he is growing and growing and growing... just like weeds in my garden. Oh yes, maybe I'll post something about my garden. Although, it is more of an embarrassing topic for me to write about. Because all I try doing is to fight the weeds and then the summer is over. Although, I have started a few veggies and flowers inside and hopefully they make it out one day.

Keep you posted...

Bye for now!

Pictures? Sure, why not!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

It's a boy!!!

Last time I posted something on this blog I was 7 months pregnant. Now my son, Johannes, is already 5 months old. Well, that just shows that I have had barely any time to update this blog! I have been busy with my precious son, moving into a house, Christmas present making, and just stuff. I would put up some pix of the stuff I have been busy with but got no time right now... gotta go!

Until next time,


...wait, here a picture of Johannes