Sunday 13 April 2008

Finally! My own blog...

So, I have fought with the thought for a long time if I should start my own blog or not. Should I write it in German, English, or both (too much work)... what's the point... will people be interested... All the people that desperately wait for an email from me but gave up hopes because I am so lazy in writing emails or letters...Sorry. Well, here is my blog now. I will try to keep it as up to date as possible. I don't know how often you will be able to read an update but better than no update, right? If you are interested you can read it, if not, leave it. Have fun reading, looking at pictures, projects...and who knows... Susanne

1 comment:

suduplo said...

Hi Albert,
Thanks for reading my blog. I haven't even told my sister that I have one but you already read it. Great! Sorry, that nothing has happened since the first entry. It will get better soon hopefully.
